Wow, my last post was in March! It has been really difficult for me to post new things up here because school and work have taken up the majority of my time. I am trying to get to a place where I can post more frequently though. I guess I need a lesson in time management.
Since March, I have been trying to incorporate more natural and healthful foods into my and my family's diet. It has been a struggle but I think it is working. What I am most proud of is that I have really been doing a lot of reading! I am more than half-way through Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, and I have a lot of books about natural health, gardening (which I am so very excited for!) and other health topics. I feel like I have grown so much and have learned so much over the summer that I can really help people and provide answers.
One thing that I am really getting into is pregnancy nutrition. I really hope to get the brewers diet book, because I have only read a little about it but it will be really helpful to me and other if I can get it. The price is a bit steep on Amazon, but it is definitely worth the price.
I mentioned earlier about gardening, I found this website that I really think sells good seeds. This site is called
Non-hybrid seeds, and it looks really good! I plan getting seeds from here at some point in time! I really want to start a garden in Spring 2010, and I am gonna get my seeds from here. I will add it to my website list.
I also came across this story on
science daily about how cigarettes contribute to MS (multiple sclerosis), pretty interesting stuff.
Until next time (whenever that is)!